Sunday 19 July 2009


I sold another card!! I sold another card!!!

Zazzle sent me an email saying someone had bought one of my Montmartre postcards!!! I'm SOOO excited!! That's the second time I've sold a Montmartre card!!!

I sold a card!!!!!

And Andrea hasn't smoked a cigarette for 10 and a half weeks!!!!!!!!!



Anonymous said...

That's fab, Beanie! And a huge well done to Andrea!

Lynne xx

Linda Dunn said...

Big Congrats on the sold card and the 10+ weeks. Now I am off to find the photo of Beanie schlepping gesso.......

LisaPolyester said...

Congrats and Congrats! Funny, I hadn't thought of Montmartre in years - I had my portrait done in charcoal there when I was... uhmmmm... well, it was the summer between 8th and 9th grade so I would have been about 13 years old? Your artwork brought the whole day back to mind. When I looked at your zazzle snippet, I was immediately back in that square trying to decide which artist should I choose. Thanks for the replay. said...

Congratulations on the non-smoking! I know how hard that must be and it is quite an accomplishment! Yay! And congratulations on selling a card...always a good feeling when someone appreciates your talent. I just learned I sold a painting from the juried show in Galveston...wheee!