Thursday 24 September 2009

Three pictures for my Dutch relatives!

I saw this skull in the Natural History Museum in London last year!

And in the wall surrounding the same museum were these mice!

And when I went to the Donkey Sanctuary on the Isle of Wight this summer, I met this wonderful piggy!


RodeEgel said...

Ooooh! Very nice! Thanx for posting them again. I have been searching, but couldn't find the skull. I saw teh piggie though.
The Natural History Museum in London is one of my favourite places. I've been there a couple of times and it is great!!!
So cooooool! :D

Sullivan McPig said...

The pig statue is beautiful!!! thanks for posting these pictures.

Hammie Hamster said...

Thank you! Never been to that museum, but G. loves to go to a museum so I'm sure I'll go to one some day! We have a nice museum in Groningen it's in a very special building that stands in the water. If you go to Google and type Groningen and Groninger Museum I'm sure you'll see pictures of it! Wait, I also found a link to wikipedia: http// When you go in the side bar to Nederlands (at the place where you can chose language you'll see the Dutch page of the museum it has more pictures...

Anonymous said...

Great pictures!

Just wanted to let you know I had a back problem and didn't get online early enough to catch you. All is well, relatively! LOL! L&H