Friday 23 December 2011

A Box from Bob and Dilly!!!

 Last Sunday, the postman brought us a big box!!!!

 It had messages written all over it!!!!

 It's from Dilly and Bob!!!  how exciting!!

 It's from Essex!


 And another Big Box!  This one has Bob Stamps and Dilly Stamps on the top!!!

 Oh!  And there's another one underneath!

 Oh!  That's a present for Andrea, and even Scooter helped wrap it!!!

 This one is for all of us!

 Including Benny Carrots!!  He says he's amazed that he's only been here a little while, and already he's getting presents!!!!!   He's so happy!

 Bob even wrote messages on the bottom of the box!!!

And said there was all sorts of amazing stuff in it!!  Wow!!  Can't wait to Christmas!!

1 comment:

DILLY said...

Vewy happy box arrive safely!
Hav fun!!