This is Chief, Andrea's favourite horse. He lives at Shiloh, a horse rescue sanctuary in Nevada -
http://www.shilohlasvegas.com/ - and is currently being treated for a spinal cord injury. His vet bills currently stand at over $2,000 and Shiloh need donations to help pay the bill.Andrea has decided to auction off the blue painting currently shown on this blogs' header. It's an oil on board, measuring 10 x 14 inches (25.5 x 35.5 cms) and will be sent to the highest bidder unframed. It is called "St Margarets Island" and is a view of Budapest!
As yet, there have been no bids for this painting!!Please help!
All bids should be emailed to me (you'll find my email listed by clicking on the "view profile" under Beanie's mugshot) with "Chief's painting" in the subject header by 28th April 2009. Please be sure your bid is in US dollars. The winning bid will be announced here on 29th April with the bid being sent directly to Shiloh - they have paypal. I will also need your mailing address to send to painting on to.
You can donate direct to Shiloh through their website if you wish