Sunday, 29 September 2024

Greeting Card 3,042

Made with decorative paper and playing card

Envelope made from Harrods paper bag

Postcard 1,256

Made from an oversized playing card

Light 125

Made with watercolour paint, rubber stamp, calligraphy ink, tonertex foil, hole punch and ribbon

Wonderful Card 658 LOST

Made with teabag stain, marker pens, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon
Lost in London on 29th December 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!

CD 1,010 LOST

Made with scrap fabric, sari silk, lace, silk findings, sequin, buttons, beads, hand dyed thread, tonertex foil, broken jewellery and ribbon
Lost in London on 25th October 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!!

Floppy Disc 801 LOST

Made with scrap fabric, sari silk, button, sequin, silk findings, hand dyed thread, tonertex foil, jewellery and ribbon
Lost in London on 22nd December 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!

Saturday, 28 September 2024

Greeting Card 3,041

Made with decorative paper and playing card

Envelope made from sticker album page

Wonderful Card 657 LOST

Made with teabag stain, marker pens, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon
Lost in London on 29th December 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!

Postcard 1,255

Made from an oversized playing card

CD 1,009 FOUND!!!

Made with scrap fabric, sari silk, lace, silk findings, sequin, beads, buttons, hand dyed thread, tonertex foils, jewellery and ribbon
Lost in London on 23rd October 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!!


Floppy Disc 800 LOST

Made from scrap fabric, sari silk, silk findings, yarn, tonertex foils, jewellery and ribbon
Lost in London on 25th October 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!!

Sunday, 22 September 2024

Greeting Card 3,040

Made with decorative paper and playing card

Envelope made from a sticker album page

Wonderful Card 656 LOST

Made with teabag stain, marker pens, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon
Lost in London on 29th December 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!

CD 1,008 LOST

Made with scrap fabric, sari silk, lace, silk findings, sequin, buttons, beads, hand dyed thread, tonertex foil, broken jewellery and ribbon
Lost in London on 23rd October 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!!

Floppy Disc 799 LOST

Made from scrap fabric, sari silk, silk findings, yarn, tonertex foils, jewellery and ribbon
Lost in London on 25th October 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!!

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Greeting Card 3,039

Made with decorative paper and playing card

Envelope made from political flier

Wonderful card 655 LOST

Made with teabag stain, marker pens, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon

CD 1,007 LOST

Made with scrap fabric, sari silk, lace, silk findings, buttons, beads, sequin, broken jewellery tonertex foils and ribbon.
Lost in London on 23rd October 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!!

Floppy Disc 798 LOST

Made from scrap fabric, sari silk, silk findings, yarn, tonertex foils, jewellery and ribbon
Lost in London on 23rd October 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!!

Sunday, 15 September 2024

Wonderful card 654 LOST

Made with teabag stain, marker pens, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon
Lost in London on 29th December 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!

Greeting Card 3,038

Made with decorative paper and playing card

Envelope made from Laduree paper bag


CD 1,006 LOST

Made with scrap fabric, sari silk, lace, silk findings, buttons, beads, sequin, broken jewellery tonertex foils and ribbon.
Lost in London on 10th November 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!!

Floppy Disc 797 LOST

Made from scrap fabric, sari silk, silk findings, yarn, tonertex foils, jewellery and ribbon
Lost in London on 23rd October 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!!


Saturday, 14 September 2024

Greeting Card 3,037

Made with candy wrapper

Envelope made from paper bag

Wonderful Card 653 LOST

Made with teabag stain, marker pens, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon
Lost in London on 29th December 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!

CD 1,005 LOST

Made with scrap fabric, sari silk, lace, silk findings, buttons, beads, sequin, broken jewellery tonertex foils and ribbon.
Lost in London on 23rd October 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!!

Floppy Disc 796 LOST

Made with scrap fabric, sari silk, silk findings, button, sequin, broken jewellery, tonertex foil and ribbon
Lost in London on 23rd October 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!!

Sunday, 8 September 2024

Greeting Card 3,036

Made with candy wrapper

Envelope made from paper bag

Postcard 1,254

Made from oversized playing card

Wonderful Card 652 LOST

Made with teabag stain, marker pens, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon
Lost in London on 29th December 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!

CD 1,004 LOST

Made with scrap fabric, sari silk, lace, silk findings, buttons, beads, sequin, broken jewellery tonertex foils and ribbon.
Lost in London on 13th October 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!!

Floppy Disc 795 LOST

Made with scrap fabric, sari silk, silk findings, button, sequin, broken jewellery, tonertex foil and ribbon
Lost in London on 13th October 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!!

Saturday, 7 September 2024

Greeting Card 3,035

Made from decorative paper and candy wrapper

Envelope made from comic book page

Wonderful Card 651 LOST

Made with teabag stain, marker pens, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon
Lost in London on 29th December 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!

Postcard 1,253

Made from oversized playing card

CD 1,003 LOST

Made with scrap fabric, sari silk, lace, silk findings, buttons, beads, sequin, broken jewellery tonertex foils and ribbon.
Lost in London on 13th October 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!!

Floppy Disc 794 LOST

Made with scrap fabric, sari silk, silk findings, button, sequin, broken jewellery, tonertex foil and ribbon
Lost in London on 13th October 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!!

Sunday, 1 September 2024

Greeting Card 3,034

Made from decorative paper and candy wrapper

Envelope made from comic book page

Postcard 1,252

Made from oversized playing card

Wonderful Card 650 LOST

Made with teabag stain, marker pens, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon
Lost in London on 15th December 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!!

CD 1,002 LOST

Made with scrap fabric, sari silk, lace, silk findings, buttons, beads, sequin, broken jewellery tonertex foils and ribbon.
Lost in London on 13th October 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!!