Saturday, 30 November 2024

Postcard 1,273

Made from oversized playing card

Light 142

Made with teabag stain, rubber stamp, calligraphy ink, tonertex foil, hole punch and ribbon

Wonderful Card 674

Made with teabag stain, marker pens, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon

CD 1,027 LOST

Made from scrap fabric, lace, buttons, sequins, beads, hand dyed thread, broken jewellery, tonertex foils and ribbon
Lost in London on 22nd December 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!

Floppy Disc 818 FOUND!!!

Made with scrap fabric, sari silk, button, silk finding, hand dyed thread, broken jewellery, tonertex foil and ribbon
Lost in London on 29th December 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!

Sunday, 24 November 2024

Postcard 1,272

Made from oversized playing card

Light 141

Made with teabag stain, rubber stamp, calligraphy inks, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon

CD 1,026 LOST

Made from scrap fabric, buttons, sequins, beads, hand dyed thread, broken jewellery, tonertex foils and ribbon
Lost in London on 15th December 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!

Wonderful Card 673

Made with teabag stain, marker pens, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon

Floppy Disc 817 LOST

Made with scrap fabric, sari silk, button, silk finding, hand dyed thread, broken jewellery, tonertex foil and ribbon
Lost in London between 8th and 9th February 2025.  Let me know where/when you find it!!

Saturday, 23 November 2024

Postcard 1,271

Made from oversized playing card

Light 140

Made with teabag stain, rubber stamp, calligraphy inks, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon

Wonderful Card 672

Made with teabag stain, marker pens, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon

Floppy Disc 816 FOUND!!!

Made with scrap fabric, sari silk, button, silk finding, hand dyed thread, broken jewellery, tonertex foil and ribbon
Lost in London on 22nd December 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!

CD 1,025 LOST

Made from scrap fabric, playing card, buttons, sequins, beads, hand dyed thread, broken jewellery, tonertex foils and ribbon
Lost in London on 15th December 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!

Sunday, 17 November 2024

Postcard 1,270

Made from oversized playing card

Light 139

Made with teabag stain, rubber stamp, calligraphy inks, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon

Wonderful Card 671

Made with teabag stain, marker pens, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon

CD 1,024 LOST

Made from scrap fabric, playing card, buttons, sequins, beads, hand dyed thread, broken jewellery, tonertex foils and ribbon
Lost in London on 15th December 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!

floppy disc 815 FOUND!!!

Made with scrap fabric, sari silk, button, silk finding, hand dyed thread, broken jewellery, tonertex foil and ribbon
Lost in London on 22nd December 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!

Saturday, 16 November 2024

Postcard 1,269

Made from oversized playing card

Light 138

Made with teabag stain, rubber stamp, calligraphy inks, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon

Floppy Disc 814 LOST

Made with scrap fabric, sari silk, button, silk finding, hand dyed thread, broken jewellery, tonertex foil and ribbon
Lost in London on 22nd December 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it

CD 1,023 LOST

Made from scrap fabric, playing card, buttons, sequins, beads, hand dyed thread, broken jewellery, tonertex foils and ribbon
Lost in London on 15th December 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!

Wonderful Card 670

Made with teabag stain, marker pens, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon

Sunday, 10 November 2024

Postcard 1,268

Made from oversized playing card

Light 137

Made with teabag stain, rubber stamp, calligraphy inks, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon

Wonderful Card 669

Made with teabag stain, marker pens, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon

CD 1,022 LOST

Made from scrap fabric, playing card, buttons, sequins, beads, hand dyed thread, broken jewellery, tonertex foils and ribbon
Lost in London on 15th December 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!


Floppy Disc 813 LOST

Made with scrap fabric, sari silk, button, silk finding, hand dyed thread, broken jewellery, tonertex foil and ribbon
Lost in London on 13th February 2025.  Let me know where/when you find it!!

Saturday, 9 November 2024

Postcard 1,267

Made from oversized playing card

Light 136

Made with teabag stain, rubber stamp, calligraphy inks, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon

Wonderful card 668

Made with teabag stain, marker pens, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon

CD 1,021 LOST

Made with scrap fabric, playing card, buttons, beads, sequins, hand dyed thread, broken jewellery, tonertex foil and ribbon
Lost in London on 15th December 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!

Floppy Disc 812 LOST

Made with sari silk, lave, silk findings, bead, broken jewellery, tonertex foils and ribbon
Lost in London on 29th December 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!

Sunday, 3 November 2024

Postcard 1,266

Made from oversized playing card

Light 135

Made with teabag stain, rubber stamp, calligraphy inks, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon

Floppy Disc 811 LOST

Made with sari silk, lave, silk findings, bead, broken jewellery, tonertex foils and ribbon
Lost in London on 10th November 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!!

CD 1,020 LOST

Made with scrap fabric, sari silk, lace, silk findings, sequin, buttons, beads, hand dyed thread, tonertex foil, broken jewellery, playing card and ribbon
Lost in London on 10th November 2024.  Let me know where/when you find it!!!

Wonderful card 667

Made with teabag stain, marker pens, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon

Saturday, 2 November 2024

Postcard 1,265

Made from oversized playing card

Light 134

Made with teabag stain, rubber stamp, calligraphy inks, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon

Wonderful card 666

Made with teabag stain, marker pens, tonertex foils, hole punch and ribbon

Floppy Disc 810 LOST

Made with scrap fabric, sari silk, button, sequin, silk findings, hand dyed thread, tonertex foil, jewellery and ribbon
Lost in London on 19th January 2025.  Let me know where/when you find it!!

CD 1,019

Made with scrap fabric, sari silk, lace, silk findings, sequin, buttons, beads, hand dyed thread, tonertex foil, broken jewellery, playing card and ribbon

That mini playing card is the last one of a pack bought in Paris, France for my 50th birthday trip in 2014