Saturday 9 January 2010

Postcard 220 LOST

made with decorative paper and skeleton leaves

To be lost in Lille between 23 and 25 February 2010. Let me know where/when you find it!


SAMUEL said...

Hola Amigo
Cumplo en informarte que tu TAG 85 cayo en mis manos, en Bs. As. Argentina y el enlace es
No veo este TAG 85 entre los TAG de tu blog asi que el mensaje aqui te lo dejo.
PodrĂ­amos intercambiar arte correo y ATC
Saludos Samuel.

Beanie Mouse said...

I'm going to copy that into Tag 85!!

SAMUEL said...

Y la pregunta es ¿donde esta la etiqueta 85? pues yo no la encuentro en este blog
Saludos Samuel

Beanie Mouse said...

I don't understand Spanish, but I think you're asking where the post is for Tag 85. If you write "Tag 85" in the "search blog" line at the top and then click on the magnifier glass at the end of the search line, it'll bring the post up for you.
I hope you understand English enough to get that!

Beanie Mouse said...

Or try here...!