Thursday, 24 September 2009

Three pictures for my Dutch relatives!

I saw this skull in the Natural History Museum in London last year!

And in the wall surrounding the same museum were these mice!

And when I went to the Donkey Sanctuary on the Isle of Wight this summer, I met this wonderful piggy!


RodeEgel said...

Ooooh! Very nice! Thanx for posting them again. I have been searching, but couldn't find the skull. I saw teh piggie though.
The Natural History Museum in London is one of my favourite places. I've been there a couple of times and it is great!!!
So cooooool! :D

Sullivan McPig said...

The pig statue is beautiful!!! thanks for posting these pictures.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures!

Just wanted to let you know I had a back problem and didn't get online early enough to catch you. All is well, relatively! LOL! L&H