Sunday, 18 October 2009

Cooking Tabouleh!

A few weeks ago, me and Andrea had a go at making Tabouleh!! We got a cupful of something called Bulghur Wheat which Andrea got at a Middle Eastern food shop. It comes in fine grain, medium grain and big grain - Andrea got the medium grain.

The receipe we tried said to soak it in water for one and a half hours. Andrea remembered later that her friend cooks it in Vegetable Stock though, which could be why hers tasted better than ours!!

While that was soaking, we chopped up a medium sized red onion. When we cut it open, we found that the middle bit had gone off!!! Next time, we'll get an onion that isn't "off" in the middle!

Then we chopped up six vine tomatoes. Andrea threw away all the pips from the middle!

Then we chopped up all this parsley. We decided later that we used too much!!

Then we chopped up some mint. We didn't use all of this, though!

Then we put it all in a plastic tub and I mixed it up together!

Then we rinsed out the bulghur wheat!

And we mixed that in - we had to put it in a bigger mixing tub though!!

We squeezed in the juice of one and a half lemons. Andrea says we should've done that AFTER we put in the bulghur wheat!! (which is why the picture has been put here!)

Then we added six tablespoons of Olive Oil and mixed that all in. Andrea says maybe we should've put in a bit more....

TA-DAAA!! Then we put it back into the little plastic tub, which had a lid that we could put on it. We then put it in the fridge so that all the flavour could mix together.
We found that it tasted better the longer you left it for the flavours to join up.
And that's how you make Tabouleh! I think we'll have to try this again, and see if we can get the right amount of ingredients! We had not enough onion, too much parsley and forgot to cook the wheat in vegetable stock!!!


Linda Dunn said...

Good job on tabouleh Beanie & Andrea.
It is one of my favorite salads. You have inspired me to make a batch today.
Arty Hugs~

Lesa said...

Sounds good to me! Lots of fresh goodness!

Sullivan McPig said...

It's totally different from what I thought it would be, but sounds good. we might try it too sometime

mim said...

I am in love with Beanie cooking. So cute and so thorough! What a great tutorial on tabouleh. If only my honey like parsley. Good job, Beanie.

Beanie Mouse said...

Oh my Gosh!! I never thought so many people would enjoy a Beanie Cooking Lesson!! I ought to try some other things....!!