I know I'm very behind in telling you about all the mail I've received lately, but this package arrived yesterday that's absolutely gobsmackingly terrific!! We all got off the bed to look at it!
Andrea says that's Mr Scooter on the wrapping paper!!
On the back was a trading card that Dilly picked out specially for me!!

Look!! Andrea says I can put it in my ATC book!!
Then we had to work out how to open the package.... Oh wow!! What's this?

They made us a special card!! I think that's some of Dilly's ribbon!! (there's a mouse in a bathtub on the picture.... but that's not the bathtub Andrea made ME use!!)

OH LOOK!! It's a card from Dilly and Bob!!

See? That's Bob!! He can draw pictures too!!

And that's from Dilly!! I remember making her Jigsor puzzol but she hasn't shown it off on her blog yet. That's OK - she's been busy carfterin Granny and Mummy.

there was a message from their Mum too!!!

Bob sent me a paper bag with a bear on it!!!

Bob has his own writing paper too! I'm so jealous!

and they sent me all these things to play with and make stuff with!!

I love the mad monkey though! And we've got elasticy things that I make postcards with too! And bus tickets!!

All sorts of wonderful stuff to use!!

Mungo found the pearl earring and decided to wear it.
The Piggy with the Pearl earring!
Now, there's a painting to paint....!!!!!
Great Package!
I think that bathtub picture is by Margaret Sherry, my owner's favourite cross stitch designer.
And Mungo looks indeed very cool.
HUWAYYYY!!!!!!!!! Parsol arrive sayfely!! Earring look exslent on Mungo Pig!!!! Mweah!!!
BArthtub pikcher be rubber stamp by Penny Black. Mummy culler wiv paynt. Dilly help. DIlly add wibbon. An fleurs. Mweah!
I thought it was your ribbon, Dilly!! And I love the flowers too!! Thank you!
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