Thursday 8 August 2019

Floppy Disc 276 FOUND!!!

Made from scrap fabric, sari silk, lace, button, bead, silk findings, thread, yarn, tonnertex foils, chain and ribbon
Lost in London on 30th August 2019.  Let me know where/when you find it!!


Tess said...

Hi Beanie! Today I found this beautiful piece hanging on the coathook of a restroom stall in Brighton Station. I have been studying abroad in Brighton since January and I am supposed to be here until June, but if the coronavirus outbreak gets worse my program could be cancelled and I might be sent home (to America) early. I have been very unsettled about this for the past few days, but finding your piece today was the exactly the "sign" I needed to keep my head up and still be hopeful that I will get to stay in this place with so many wonderful instances of serendipity like this one. Thank you for this magical gift. I will treasure it forever!

Tess said...

Also, two more things I forgot to say:

1. I was in Brighton Station because I was about to go to London (where this floppy disc was first lost)... so it got to travel there and back with me today! How cool is that??

2. This is an amazing project, and you are an amazing artist!!! I'm so glad I discovered you today! Thank you for sharing your (he)art with the world :~)