Last Saturday, we got up for Breakfast and had the Breakfast In A Basket!!!

AND we had coffee!! (I know Andrea loves coffee, specially first thing in the morning!!)

We started off with Corn Flakes!

Andrea let me have the Croissant!! We had lots of these in Paris - I love the Chocolate Bread best of all, but we didn't get any of that at Youth Hostel.

Then we got our bags and got ready to go Home!
I didn't really want to leave just yet, but it's always nice getting home!

We got the 73 Bus again, back to Victoria Station.

And we passed by this Gothic Building in Park Lane! Andrea says it's a Bank that some people call Rip Off Merchant. I don't understand why, it's such a lovely building.

We then went past these lovely white pillars.

And here we are at Victoria Station again!! This time, the bus only took us 25 minutes!
We had enough time to have Sight Seeing before we got Coach home.

We saw this little clock! Andrea says it's a smaller version of a thing called Big Ben.
I guess this is Little Ben, then?

And we saw a gold Ballet Dancer on top of this building!! One of the belly dancers we saw last night did some Ballet Belly dancing, but she didn't wear gold.

And then we saw these Stone Carved Animals! They're kinda scarey!

And a Shark too!!
Run for your Life!

Oh! There's a sign for Coach Station! We've got to go there...!

Oh! This sign says it's this way....

We put one of my Works of Art on this telephone! It looks much happier now!

That's where we're going!! We got here very early though -

So we got on earlier Coach to get Home!

Here we go! Past all this green stuff...

There's a lot of that green stuff around....

And we stopped at Gatwick Air O'Port. We didn't get off here though...

We kept on going..... those are the South Down Hills in the distance but the clouds started to fly low down, so we couldn't see the Hills very well.

The Clouds came down so low that we couldn't see anything at all out of the window!!
I hope the driver can see the road!!

Oh here we are! This is the Church that we passed on the way to London!

And we're back at the Coach Station where we started!!

When we got home, we unpacked, and I looked at all the things I can put in my Scrapbook!
I'm on Scrapbook Number Three now!!
Those stone animals look really cool! I really must go to London myself too some day! Better start bugging my owner.
Lucky Beanie! And a belated Happy Birthday!
Wonderful views, but the fog and the big animals looked kind of scary! Glad you had great day!
Sullivan - let me know if your owner brings you to London!! It's only an hour away from where I live by Train and we could meet up! You could even come visit me and we could go on the Pier together!!!
@Beanie: If we ever manage to go I will certainly let you know, but I couldn't say when it would be if at all as we first have to try and save up for a foreign trip and then it would be the choice between Paris or London.
Would indeed be cool to meet up though if we would go to London :-)
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